Know what's going on in the spiritual realm

The earthly realm we know and inhabit is mirrored by a spiritual realm. We are less aware of this because it is unseen. However, it is in some ways more accessible t o us

Know what's going on in the spiritual realm
Heaven and the spiritual realjm is not a physical space, but the great movements and patterns in the sky make us think of the spiritual realm that is separate, yet connected. (Image: Ian Greig)

Angelic messengers alert us to heaven's strategy – but we can just ask

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13 NIV

Paul doesn’t end his letter to the church in Corinth with a cheery “Keep up the good work” but something Churchill could have said in 1940 when threat of invasion was all the talk.

If we agree that this is God’s word and therefore timeless, speaking to us today as it did to believers in the first century, what are we standing firm against and on our guard to challenge?

Spiritual realm, earthly realm

Our world is bigger than our everyday lives, what the BBC defines as news, and the government and institutions.

We are spiritual people, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, belonging to a Saviour and Lord who doesn’t live in a building and who is not recognised when He makes an appearance. For us, there is a spiritual dimension that has a considerable bearing on our lives and communities, both for good and for evil.

Angelic messengers

Occasionally in the Bible someone has a visitation from an angel, or an impression of one in a dream or vision. Abraham had some signpost moments like this and Jacob was injured in a wrestling match with an angel. Joshua was given detailed instruction by an angel before the conquest of Jericho. Isaiah encountered an angel as part of his call to speak to the hard-hearted. Joseph received vital direction from an angel three times. Angels at the tomb announced Christ’s resurrection, others reminded the disciples of Jesus’ return, and sprang Peter from prison. Follow these fascinating events through the Bible study links below:
Genesis 32:22-32; Joshua 5:13-15; Isaiah 6:6-7; Matthew 1:20-21, 2:13, 19-20; Matthew 28:1-10; Acts 1:11, Acts 12:6-10

What does this tell us? That these people of giant faith were specially chosen to be visited?

Step back a moment and consider what is happening. Even if angels do appear to specially favoured people (some were, some were not) this mainly tells us that, what is happening in the heavenlies, needs to be communicated to someone on earth... to the person who needed to know God's strategy at that time.

  • What happens in heaven is not divided from what happens on earth
  • The heavenly realm is mostly unseen. That does not make it unreal.

We have a real, active and vindictive enemy — completely real in Jesus experience and teaching — out to to spoil what he can get his hands on. He and his demons inhabit the spiritual realm unseen, and prey on our thoughts and lives where we are.

We also have help from the spiritual realm,  the heavenly host, accessible to us because we can ask for it through Jesus. And that's the point of this verse, this closing reminder from Paul:

"Be on your guard"
"Stand firm in faith"
"Be courageous"
"Be strong"

He is saying, don't forget the battle that is going on over every righteous Jesus-centred action  you take. Thoughts as well! And so expect some push-back — but stand firm and don't give in to it.

This is different from the gentle church-orientated religion many of us were brought up in. Those four instructions are not gentle. And this is not about church, so much as the One who said "I will build My church".

He will. And He does it in partnership with us — as we stay alert and on our guard, spiritually.


Forgive me, Lord, for being casual and unprepared spiritually.
Your word instructs us to "pray continually" and yet, my response is so much less.

Help me to begin to see, not just everyday concerns,
but the spiritual realities behind them.
Lead me to pray accordingly, standing firm in faith, being courageous,
with a strong desire to bring Your kingdom on  earth.

For Jesus' honour and glory, Amen.